Improve Your Running Efficiency with Stryd | Read More>

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Stryd device

Corre más rápido
& mantente saludable

Precisión para una mejor carrera

Aprovecha las métricas de potencia de vanguardia y los conocimientos en tiempo real para optimizar cada carrera, en cualquier lugar donde entrenes.

Stryd te ayuda a correr de manera más inteligente para optimizar el rendimiento y la salud en la carrera.

Stryd es utilizado por
todos los corredores


Usa Stryd para mantener una rutina diaria de running saludable


Usa Stryd para establecer récords personales con guía en tiempo real


Usa Stryd para establecer récords mundiales con precisión de laboratorio


¿Qué es Stryd?

Stryd es un dispositivo portátil que se coloca en tu zapato y se comunica con tu reloj de running o teléfono. Stryd te ayuda a correr a la intensidad correcta para equilibrar tu entrenamiento, recuperación y rendimiento, alertándote para que disminuyas o aumentes la velocidad.

Stryd device on a running shoe

Stryd gives your effort
a purpose

Dive into the in-depth features of the Stryd mobile app for
breakthrough insight that makes you eager to analyze your data everyday


Actualización importante
Entrenamiento de carrera de precisión

Tres nuevas funciones para mejorar tu entrenamiento

Entrenamientos generados

Experimenta entrenamientos que se ajustan perfectamente a tu rutina y evolucionan con tu progreso. Los entrenamientos generados por Stryd utilizan datos precisos de tu Stryd Footpod para crear sesiones personalizadas que se adaptan a tu horario y preferencias.

Stryd Footpath

Stryd Footpath ofrece una nueva forma de comprender y mejorar tu running. Al traducir métricas de rendimiento complejas en visualizaciones fáciles de entender, puedes tomar decisiones informadas que te ayuden a correr más fuerte, de manera más inteligente y saludable — ahora todo desde un solo pod de próxima generación de Stryd.

Análisis de Forma de Correr y Calzado

La nueva función de Análisis de Forma de Correr y Calzado de Stryd te brinda las herramientas para comparar tus datos y desbloquear información valiosa que eleva tu rendimiento. Al analizar métricas clave en una variedad de factores, puedes tomar decisiones más inteligentes para mejorar tu running, ajustadas a tus necesidades individuales.

Stryd va contigo.

Guía precisa
en cualquier terreno.

Stryd es tu compañero de running definitivo para cualquier terreno y condición. Desde pistas hasta senderos, desde cintas de correr interiores hasta carreras al aire libre, tendrás datos de potencia en tiempo real para guiar tu entrenamiento y carreras. Con precisión e información inigualables, siempre estarás listo para superar tus límites y alcanzar tu mejor marca personal.

Mejora tu
estilo de vida de running

Transforma tu running con métricas de vanguardia que se sienten como una extensión natural de tu entrenamiento. Stryd se adapta a tus necesidades, ofreciendo una precisión inigualable y un coaching personalizado.


Información de running

Stryd te ayuda a desbloquear tu verdadero potencial para alcanzar tus objetivos más rápido. Las métricas de potencia precisas utilizan tecnología avanzada de sensores, algoritmos personalizados y datos ambientales en tiempo real para proporcionar las mejores analíticas de running disponibles. Junto con los planes de entrenamiento, tus récords personales no tienen ninguna posibilidad frente a tus nuevas capacidades.

Pair with your sportswatch
for real time guidance

Stryd pairs with your watch or phone to give you power-based guidance on every run.

Join the Stryd Community


Setting Personal Records Again

Without being able to keep an eye on my average pace and by relying solely on my goal power zone, I did: - a personal record on my half marathon by nearly a minute; my old PR was 4 years ago. - 26'54" Parkrun: my second fastest to date and third fastest 5k overall. Again, my previous fastest times were 4-5 years ago. All my best times had been achieved immediately before I got pregnant. After that I had to quit running due to physical reasons and I didn't resume running seriously until this past spring.


Confidence to Trust in Myself

I couldn’t be happier. Stryd predicted I would finish in 1:29:40, which I thought was too ambitious. I managed to finish it in 1:29:55. I improved my PR by 8 minutes! 14K into the race, I thought that I would not be able to hold the pace. But I did — and I literally finished the run on the last bit of energy I had left. This really gave me the confidence to trust in myself and trust my Stryd. And, I might add, during the power-based training plan, I had a higher weekly volume than ever before, but I never felt overtrained or something. Really spot on. Kudos to this product.


Knowing how hard to push

There are so many variables in trail ultramarathons. Knowing where I'm at & exactly how hard I can push, removes a big chunk of the guesswork & stress. Power helps me pace & train like no other metric can & my running continues to improve because of it.


Back to back PRs

I am 4 for 4! 4 racing distance PRs using Stryd (5K, 10K, 13.1 and 26.2) in the last 2 months. BQed today and PRed by 10mins in my marathon. Followed my race watts consistently and had strong legs throughout. So happy I bought STRYD!


41 minute PR

I just completed the 88km Comrades Ultra using Stryd. Stryd was absolutely critical to holding back in the first half of the race so I could conserve energy for the second half. The result? 41 minutes faster than 2017. I set PRs on all the segments in the second half. Thanks, Stryd.


4 weeks of training, really impressed

Result of a 4-week Stryd HM training plan. Really impressed, especially as I was quite dubious at all the easy running.


Faster with more energy

To my utter surprise, I did not only finish the 18K with tons of energy left (well...a good amount of energy), but I found out that my pace was more than 10s per km faster than I had achieved on the same route in the past. I honestly could not believe this! Not only was the route trickier than I usually would have chosen for an 18K run, but it turned out that I was much faster than usual yet I had more energy left! Running with power took all the mental effort out of my training as I did not have to gauge how fast to go uphill. I just ran, enjoyed the environment, stopped thinking, and I was faster. I am really liking this!


Amazingly Accurate

Sometimes I can’t believe how accurate Stryd can be. I went out today with the intention of a 10 mile moderate run by feel—not really paying attention to metrics, but was feeling strong early on and the weather was nice, so I pivoted to see if I could beat my half marathon PR since I’ve been training. Still continued to run mostly by feel until the last 2-3 miles or so where it was pretty much all out to maintain pace/output.. so overall a solid trial effort. Knocked 5 mins off my Half time. Now here’s the most interesting part.. avg’d 270W for a finish time of 1:39:11. Out of curiosity, I pulled up race calc in Stryd... suggested 269W with a finish time of 1:39:24. 13 seconds variance! It’s amazing how accurate Stryd is I absolutely love it.


Ready in Seconds

I’ve been doing the workouts on my Apple Watch and I love how easy it is to just open my Stryd app, sync my workout, and go!